PPP leaders lack consensus on national issues: Rashid

13 Jan, 2004

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid has said the confused leadership of Pakistan Peoples Party does not have any consensus on any of the national issues.
Responding to the separate statements recently issued by Amin Fahim and Benazir Bhutto he said there seems clear rift between the party leadership.
Sheikh Rashid said that on the one hand Benazir Bhutto has welcomed the peace dialogue between India and Pakistan and is implying that present government policies rate in line with those of the previous PPP regime but on the other hand Amin Fahim is saying that Kashmir has been sold out.
The Minister said the present government and the President of Pakistan has a very clear agenda of peace with India and at the same time Pakistan first approach will not be compromised ever.
Commenting on the recently concluded Saarc summit the Information Minister said that the entire international media is appreciating the Pakistan's foreign policy and the farsightedness and statesmanship of President Musharraf except for few frustrated pseudo-intellectuals who cannot look beyond their petty self interest.
He said that Benazir Bhutto during her recent visit to India has issued anti Pakistan statements. She has not made any mention about the extra mile travelled by the Pakistani leadership to create the atmosphere of congeniality for the Saarc summit.
Her statement on the Line of Control clearly shows how ignorant she is and her lack of passion for the Kashmir cause and the Kashmir Freedom Struggle.
PPP chairperson, who is a regular visitor of India, commenting about the last year escalation between India and Pakistan has legitimised the Indian hot pursuit action against Pakistan.
Throughout her visit to India she has been using the Indian terminology and has not spoken her stance she took as Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The Minister for Information said the PPP regime is a dark era in the history of Pakistan.
They have plundered this country mercilessly and now sitting outside, neither have the courage to come back and nor support the positive policies of the government.

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