Saudi Arabia dismisses head of charity targeted by US

09 Jan, 2004

Saudi Arabia has dismissed the head of a leading Islamic charity which the United States says has militant links, Saudi newspapers said on Thursday. They said Al-Haramain Foundation director Sheikh Aqil al-Aqil had been replaced by a deputy, Dabbas al-Dabbasi, but gave no reason for the move.
Staff at the foundation declined to comment on the reports but confirmed Aqil was not at his office on Thursday.
After the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, carried out by mainly Saudi hijackers, Washington has pressured Saudi Arabia to clamp down on suspected support and funding for militant groups.
One of its targets has been Al-Haramain. Two years ago the US State Department listed the institute's offices in Bosnia and Somalia as "terrorist organisations".
Al-Haramain, which says it raises about 200 million riyals ($53 million) a year, has denied the charges and said it deliberately distanced itself from violent groups.
Aqil told Reuters last year his organisation was established to preach Islam peacefully. "We have absolutely no inclination to violence," he said.

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