World community and public opinion behind Pak-India peace process: Kasuri

09 Jan, 2004

Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri has said that the concern of international community and favourable public opinion compelled both India and Pakistan to agree to continue the dialogue process.
Talking to CNN, Kasuri disagreed with a questioner that international pressure compelled both the countries to hold dialogues.
"Pressure has a negative tone, rather it was international concern," he added. Kasuri said dialogue was in the interest of the people of both Pakistan and India and for achieving a lasting peace in South Asia.
He said the timing and modalities of talks with India were not as important as the real issues. The real issue is political will.
The will being demonstrated by both President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Jamali.
"Pakistan and India have realised that both of them were not in a position to impose their will militarily on each other," he said. Kasuri said Pakistan has full intentions of abiding by whatever was agreed with India.
He said President Musharraf, as his record shows, always kept his commitments both inside the country as well as outside the country.
Answering a question he said, in both countries certainly some elements do have some reservations on maintaining good relations with each other. But as far as Pakistan was concerned there was a minority who have reservations on maintaining good relations with India, Kasuri said.
"We should not give opportunity to such elements to mislead the public opinion in either country," Kasuri added.
He said majority in Pakistan was moderate and we are certain that we have a good case to convince our people.
Recent ratification of constitutional amendments have given the government and President more confidence and authority to speak on behalf of the people of Pakistan.
Terming President a courageous man, Kasuri said the President has not exhausted by dangers to his life.
To a question he said Pakistan was a responsible state and was conducting investigations to ascertain the facts about transfer of nuclear technology to Libya and Iran.

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