Sindh forest department seeks LEAs help to remove encroachments

09 Jan, 2004

Sindh Forest and Wildlife department seeks police and rangers' help in removing encroachers occupying lands belong to Forest department in the province.
The Advisor to Sindh Chief Minister for Forest and Wildlife, Syed Ejaz Ali Shah Shirazi while presiding a high level meeting on Thursday said that the land once evacuated would be brought under farm forestry with a view to implement the government policy for maximum cultivation.
The advisor asked the conservators to prepare details about the losses and damages caused to forest due to criminal activities of anti-social elements and said that preventive measures would be adopted to save the forestland from further loses.
He was informed that dacoits and other anti-social elements had more sophisticated weapons compared to forest guards which hampered their efforts in combating them.
The Advisor assured the officials that Sindh chief secretary, Home Department authorities and rangers would be approached to extend help and assistance in this regard with a view to take prompt action against such elements and root them out from forests.
Shirazi also directed the secretary, Forest and Wildlife department to prepare a summary for the chief minister for cancellation of all such land agreement where the party has failed to pay its dues to the government.
He further said that a committee would also be constituted to evolve ways and means for recovery of outstanding amount.
It was also informed in the meeting that 25 honey bees colonies were being reared on mustard crop in Pai Forest in district Nawabshah, while in February at least 25 to 50 bee queens will be imported to increase the umber of bees colonies.
About silk worm rearing, it was said that some 40 packages of silk worm eggs were being imported from Japan for Autumn silk worm rearing and the silk worm produced during the season was sold by the department against a cost of Rs 126,000.
The meeting was also attended by Chief Conservator and Conservators of Hyderabad, Sukkur, Larkana and Thatta.

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