Kashmiri refugees observe right to self-determination day

06 Jan, 2004

The Right to Self-determination Day was observed by the Kashmir refugees settled in Sialkot and Narowal districts on Monday to jerk the conscious of the world and force United Nations resolutions for implementation of its resolutions on Kashmir.
On this occasion, political parties belonging to Azad Kashmir hold special meetings at different places for highlighting the different aspects of more than half-century-old Kashmir dispute.
Addressing a meeting, Sialkot All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference President Hafiz Raza said the Indian government was deliberately negating the United Nations charter of human rights and its resolutions for making its stronghold in Kashmir.
Despite giving the right to self-determination, the Kashmiris according to United Nations resolutions, the Indian Army is butchering the Kashmiris ruthlessly in held valley, he added.
Hafiz Raza also said the killing of innocent Kashmiris had become daily routine and atrocities are increased manifold in the occupied valley.
He urged the secretary-general United Nations to give up its double role and take serious notice of growing atrocities and killing of innocent Kashmiris by the Indian Army in occupied state, saying it was very strange that Indian Army is violating the human rights charter of United Nations dare-dashingly and conspiracy of silence of United Nation over the violations and killing is very astonishing.
He said Kashmiris are struggling for the liberation of their motherland from the Indian yoke.
The liberation movement has reached its peak, and it could not be suppressed or strangulated by the large-scale killing and deployment of additional troops in occupied valley, he added.
Another leader of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference, Sheikh Mohammad Saleem, said the Kashmiri freedom-fighters were trying to resolve the dispute with their blood deserved serious attention of the United Nation, OIC and all freedom-loving nations of the world.
Expressing his deep concern over the silence of United Nations and champions of human rights over the serious violations of human rights, growing incidents of abduction of women and gang-rape incidents as well as custodial-killing in occupied valley.
The silence of United Nations and champions of human rights is indicating that under a planned conspiracy the Indian occupation forces are butchering innocent people in occupied Kashmir, and the world body had turned deaf ear, he added.

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