Onion prices shoot up

06 Jan, 2004

Onion prices went up sharply and the rates of other commodities, such as tomatoes, are also on the high side, a fresh survey showed.
The local vegetable sellers said that they were not taking profits from the price hike. "It all depends on demand and supply position of the commodities."
They said that in anticipation of rising demand for onions during the Eid-ul-Azha, consumers have started storing this commodity. "Due to this very reason prices are showing an unusual rise."
Tomatoes are now again inching up day by day. Last week, tomatoes were easily available at Rs 20 per kg but now they are available at Rs 24-26.
During the Ramazan, tomatoes were, however, available at Rs 120-140 per kg. The flour prices are likely to come down in the city after the fixation of atta prices at Rs 12 per kg by the provincial government.
Some time back, profiteers hoarded the wheat and thus created an artificial shortage.
The atta is now available at Rs 13-14 for one kg.

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