Baker unlikely to discuss Iraq war reparations: Kuwaiti foreign minister

04 Jan, 2004

US special envoy for Iraqi debt James Baker is not expected to discuss billions of dollars in war reparations Baghdad owes Kuwait for its 1990 invasion, the emirate's foreign minister said Saturday.
"We look forward to meeting with Baker to discuss the issue of Iraqi debt which will be discussed later at the Paris Club" of creditors, Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah told reporters outside parliament.
The Kuwaiti minister did not confirm, however, whether Baker would be visiting the emirate on his trip to the Middle East but Kuwaiti newspapers said Saturday the special envoy was expected here next week.
"Kuwait looks at the issue from two aspects. Iraq's debts and reparations for damages during the invasion which are governed by UN Security Council resolutions," said the minister.
"I don't think the second will be raised" during a possible visit by Baker, added Sheikh Mohammad following a meeting with parliament's foreign relations committee.
Kuwait has filed compensation claims worth 170 billion dollars to the UN Compensation Commission, which has already approved some 37 billion dollars to the emirate and actually paid about nine billion.
Iraq's army invaded Kuwait in August 1990 and subsequently occupied it for seven months before being evicted by a US-led multinational coalition in the Gulf War.

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