Russia urges Pakistan and India to resolve disputes

03 Jan, 2004

Eduard S Shevchenko Russian Ambassador in Pakistan on Friday said that Indian and Pakistani leadership should move forward and resolve all outstanding disputes.
Addressing a press conference here at the embassy, he said, Russia is ready to facilitate normalisation of relations between the two countries.
About Saarc summit, the ambassador said, it is very important event for the region as this is the most populated and an important region of the world.
The ambassador said, if Pakistan and India are able to resolve all issues and start living like good neighbours the entire region would prosper.
Shevchenko said in the unipolar world after the fall of Soviet Union, many new countries are emerging as economic power on world horizon, specially in this region. In changing international scenario, this region has become the most important part of the world.
Reiterating Russia's support to fight against terrorism, he said Russia supports Pakistan's efforts in fighting terrorism and extremism and believes that President Musharraf is doing his best in this regard.
He said, Russia never thinks of equating Islam with terrorism. Islam is religion of peace and harmony. There are few terrorists who are harming Islam.
About Pak-Russia relations, the ambassador said Pakistan and Russia are co-operating in the fields of trade, Metallurgy, Space Technology, telecommunications and defence.
He said, after President Musharraf's visit to Russia, relations between the two countries are improving in all fields.
To a question, he said, a delegation of Russian technical experts will soon visit Pakistan Steel Mills to examine ways for enhancing its production capacity up-to 150 tonnes per day.

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