Crime rate in Faisalabad shows slight decrease

03 Jan, 2004

The crime rate in the district in year 2003 showed a slight decrease in term of registration of cases, while in term of recovery of weapons, the police performance is not appreciable as compared with the previous year 2002.
The official figures revealed that incidents of all crimes, particularly abduction, murder, attempted murder, dacoity, robbery and kidnapping for ransom, showed an increase in the district during 2003.
A total of 19,885 cases were registered during 2003 as against 20,244 of the year 2002 indicating a decline of 359 cases.
Incidents of dacoity, highway robbery and vehicle snatching have also shown a substantial increase as police had registered 942 cases of such nature in 2003 as against 437 in 2002.
Similarly, 1,639 theft cases, including lifting of motorcycles and cars, were registered during the period in review as against 1,015 in 2002.
The incidents of cattle lifting and burglary have also recorded a sharp increase as the police had registered 2,018 such cases in 2003 as against 1,488 during the previous year.

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