Jamaat pulls out of Abbas' faction

03 Jan, 2004

In a move that could have severe impact on the significance of the Abbas-led Hurriyat's ensuing dialogue with New Delhi, Jamaat-I-Islami decided to dissociate from it.
In a press release issued at the conclusion of the four-day session of its Majlis-e-Shoura, Jamaat has expressed its deep dissatisfaction over the working of the Abbas-led Hurriyat, which according to the party had already created some differences between the two. The party, however, has stopped short of explaining these differences.
Jamaat has also criticised the manner in which Abbas Ansari was elected as the chairman of the amalgam.
"Jamaat does not recognise the process of election of Abbas Ansari as the chairman of the Hurriyat as the same was done without taking the party into confidence", advocate Zahid Ali, the spokesman of the Jamaat said.
The party, on the other hand, has hailed the ongoing efforts between India and Pakistan for the resolution of the Kashmir problem.
"Jamaat appeals to the leadership of the both countries to either settle the dispute according the UN resolutions or through a tripartite dialogue between the parties to the problem", Zahid said.
On its part, the party has said, it would continue the peaceful, democratic and constitutional struggle for the just and final resolution of the dispute.
The party has also expressed its deep concern over the continuing human rights violations in the state and appealed to the international rights organisations to take cognisance of the situation.

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