Concert to preserve classical music traditions on Saturday

ISLAMABAD : The Institute for the Preservation of Arts and Culture (IPAC) and Kuch Khaas will jointly hold a concert `In
08 Jul, 2011

To preserve the traditional art forms and cultural heritage of Pakistan, Instrumental Ecstasy is a six part series of concerts that will take the fun lovers on an exciting journey to discover the melodic brilliance of the Indian subcontinent through Classical Instrumental Music.

The classical music of the subcontinent is one of the oldest unbroken musical traditions in the world. Its origins go back to the Vedic Period (roughly 1500 BC to 500 BC).

The first concert will follow the featured instrument of `Sarangi'. The word Sarangi is derived from two Hindi words: Sau (meaning "hundred") and Rang (meaning "color"). This is because the sound of the Sarangi is said to be as expressive and evocative as a hundred colors.

The organizers are of the view that this show will mesmerize the music lovers by this amazing and unique instrument to be performed by Dr. Taimur Khan on Sarangi accompanied by Ustad Muhammad Ajmal on Tabla.

IPAC is a social enterprise devoted to the aim of promoting and preserving the traditional genre of arts in Pakistan.

It not only wants to preserve the rich cultural and artistic heritage of sub continent, but also wants to create an awareness and appreciation for the rich and awe-inspiring creative products amongst the urban populace of Pakistan, especially the youth.

It is a collective project of a group of people who are passionate to see the rich artistic heritage survived through the generations.

IPAC aims to provide a fixed platform for the traditional musicians and performers of Pakistan to express themselves and display their talent. Furthermore, it aims to be an educational resource center for those people who are interested in discovering Pakistani traditional music by allowing them to experience the magic of the artists them selves.

IPAC is not only committed to providing regular concerts and events, but also providing a source of income and training for the artists them selves.

"Our artistic cultural heritage has been under threat for quite a long time and is currently at the brink of extinction. The area of Pakistan has traditionally been home to numerous diverse musical forms and performances. These different musical genres depended on unique musical instruments, dance sequences, lyrics, stories and lifestyles," said an official from IPAC.

Traditional musician families can no longer support themselves on their art and talent while the lack of support and prejudice against them has forced their children to abandon their family's traditional artistic lifestyle.

It is crucial that these artists are given a platform to perform, with a supportive audience. In addition, they need to be financially supported and assisted in their training of future generations

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2011

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