robert 400KARACHI: Kristen Stewart shocked her longtime boyfriend and fans alike when she issued a public apology to Robert Pattinson for cheating on him with Director Rupert Sanders. Despite her earnest sentiments, some Hollywood insiders think Stewart's airing of such a personal matter was a seriously misguided move.

“The only thing more stupid than being famous and cheating in public is admitting it and issuing a public apology,” one publicist with many A-list clients tells media sources. “Most celebrities are advised to ignore it or issue statements saying the pictures were taken out of context. Everyone in Hollywood is asking why she confessed to this so fast.”

It may have momentarily made Stewart feel better about herself and helped assuage the heavy burden of guilt but insiders are now opining that having issued a public apology should have been the last thing the fallen actress should have done.

Stewart has committed ‘career suicide’ by having a fling with her married Director and making a public apology for it, experts say.

Stewart and Pattinson are now locked in a bitter custody dispute over their dog.

A source told media tabloid, "After Rob moved his things out of their Los Angeles apartment, he then told Kristen he wanted Bear. She was heartbroken - they adopted Bear together and she always felt that he was their little baby. But Rob was so hurt by Kristen's actions he decided that he wants the dog to help him get over what happened. After all, a dog is a man's best friend and Bear is such a good companion. However, Kristen won't give up Bear in a hurry. She helped Rob save Bear from Parvo disease which nearly took its life when it was a puppy. She wants joint custody - and it could get a little messy."

It is also reported before news of Stewart's fling was revealed, the couple had been planning to adopt a second puppy.


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