
PPP exploits rights of deserving youth in Sindh: Haleem Adil Sheikh

  • Talking to a private news channel he stated that thousands of capable and hardworking youth had been wasting time and energy to find government jobs.
  • It was strange that a political party which remained in power in Sindh for last many decades and ac
Published June 5, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Vice President and Member Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh said on Friday that Sindh government tried to befool the masses through false claims, corrupt leaders would never identify the wrong doers.

Talking to a private news channel he stated that thousands of capable and hardworking youth had been wasting time and energy to find government jobs, but unfortunately all government posts were being distributed among near and dear ones of PPP.

"Sindh government should identify the posts which were sold on bribe to steal the right of deserving candidates of poor segment, as this is impossible to believe that only rich youth could serve the nation in better ways,"he suggested.

It was strange that a political party which remained in power in Sindh for last many decades and accused of filthy corruption, would eliminate the corrupt elements, he mentioned.


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