Farhat Ali

PIA to go under the hammer

PIA to go under the hammer

The last leg of the incumbent government witnessed numerous policy decisions and legislations - one of them is the...
Updated 12 Aug, 2023 07:30am
Hunger in Pakistan

Hunger in Pakistan

Pakistan hosts the poorest population with per capita income at $1550 compared with Bangladesh at $2660 and India at...
Published 29 Jul, 2023 05:28am
Country perception and FDI

Country perception and FDI

Country Perception and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are closely interrelated. An investor when deciding to commit...
Published 24 Jun, 2023 06:02am
IMF versus vote politics

IMF versus vote politics

In political science, economic voting is a theoretical perspective which argues that voter behavior is heavily...
Updated 10 Jun, 2023 05:46am
A catch-22 situation

A catch-22 situation

Pakistan has got itself fully trapped in a catch-22 situation, which is an impossible predicament where you are...
Published 03 Jun, 2023 03:52am
FY2023-24 Budget

FY2023-24 Budget

The government is expected to present the budget for the next fiscal year in the first week of June. Budgets in...
Published 20 May, 2023 05:59am
WB: A wake-up call

WB: A wake-up call

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Nero was rightly blamed for ignoring a serious matter, and neglecting his people...
Published 08 Apr, 2023 06:21am