For the 8th time, the evergreen Bollywood couple Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol has appeared together in a latest movie ‘Dilwale’ and once again we have the perfect reasons to fall in love by watching them together. ‘Dilwale’ has just hit the theatres and has already been receiving positive reviews from the moviegoers.
According to Indian media reports, ‘Dilwale’ essentially is a love story that spans two generations. Shah Rukh Khan plays the dual role of Kali and Raj who faces a nemesis in the form of Kajol who comes back to haunt him after 15 years. Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon play the young lovers whose romance is caught between the drama surrounding their siblings played by SRK and Kajol.
‘Dilwale’ would have fallen flat on its face if it did not have Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan as its lead actors. It’s the kind of romantic drama that draws heavily on these two stars and their unrivalled on-screen chemistry.
The movie has been directed by Rohit Shetty who himself is a breezy entertainer. He has raised the roof with his production values. Dilwale is a good looking film and Rohit manages to create characters that will retain your interest.
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